Thursday, December 29, 2011

Don't miss Trent Loos at the Mondak Ag Days and Trade Show banquet

On Thursday evening, January 12, the keynote speaker for the annual MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show banquet will be agricultural advocate Trent Loos. To learn more about Trent and his passion for agriculture visit

Tickets for the banquet can be purchased at event sponsor Stockman Bank in Sidney or at the Richland County Extension Office.

The banquet will be held at the Richland County Event Center on the Richland County fairgrounds, beginning at 6:00. Tickets are $30.00 each and include a free drink ticket for the social beginning at 5:00 sponsored by First Bank of Sidney and Prewitt and Company.

MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show Jan. 12 and 13

The Annual MonDak Ag Days and Trade Show will take place January 12 and 13 at the Richland County Event Center on the fairgrounds in Sidney. This year's schedule of presentation consists of:


8:00-11:00-The Home, Garden, and Family Program

8:00-De-Clutter and De-Stress. Judy Johnson, Richland County Extension Agent

8:45-Tidying up your tax drawers. Margaret Bradley H&R Block

9:15-Hoophouses and High Tunnels for producing fresh produce. Bruce Smith, Dawson County Extension Agent

10:00-Planning-The "P" word can be simple and easy. Edwin Haugen, Thrivent Financial

11:00-What is the "true" carbon footprint of beef production. Dr. Judith Capper, Washington State University

12:00-Break for lunch and trade show opens

1:00-Factors affecting cow herd efficiency. Dr. Andy Roberts, Ft. Keogh USDA research station

2:00-Increasing sheep production, explaining ASI's "2 plus" initiative. Larry Pilster, American Sheep Industry

3:00-The impact of oil wells on livestock production. Dr. Michelle Mostrom and Dr. Jon Ayers, North Dakota State University

4:00-Dry Redwater rural water authority update. Julie Goss, Richland County Conservation District


7:00-9:00-Breakfast sponsored by the Sidney Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture

9:00-WATER, WATER and more WATER
What happened at the Ft. Peck Dam in 2011? Darrin McMurray, Army Corps of Engineers

Permits needed to work on or near perennial streams. Army Corps of Engineers

The 310 Permitting process. Laurie Zeller, MT DNRC, Conservation Districts Bureau

10:30-Precision agriculture practices that you should be using on your farm. Jeff Nesbit, Precision Ag Partners

11:30-Making equipment more efficient. Lawrence Papworth, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development Ag Tech

12:30-Lunch Break

2:00-Properly Setting up your beet harvester. Kelly Sharpe sponsored by Sidney Sugars.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Time is running out for private applicators to get points

Private applicators in northeastern Montana who have not yet received the 6 points necessary to renew their license only have a few more chances to earn them. Dates for remaining programs are:

DECEMBER 13-Last chance private applicator training. This will be held in Lame Deer, MT. For more information, call 406-994-5607.

DECEMBER 14-Last chance in Sheridan County. This will be held at the courthouse in Plentywood. For more information, contact Mark Rude at 406-765-3406.

DECEMBER 15-Labels, Records, and Weed Identification. This will be held at the RC Complex in Culbertson. For more information, contact Ann Ronning at 406-787-5312.