Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seeding has started!

It is still early yet and soil temperatures are still a bit on the cool side, but seeding has started in Richland County. There are still several acres left to plant but we have started.


Late Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week brought varying amounts of precipitation. Data gathered from the Conservation District and Extension Office weather station project showed that rainfall amounts were varied, especially on Tuesday. Monday only saw ranges from no rain recorded to .03 inches while Tuesday varied from .06 to .4 inches. Wednesday's totals were in the .01 to .09 range.

Although only recorded in two spots at this time the soil temperatures range between 39 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Soil moisture is another story. The measurements taken at the Brorson site, north and west of Sidney have moisture Centibar Readings generally in the 30-60 range throughout the soil profile. The Rosaaen School site, north and west of Lambert, has Centibar Readings in the 0-10 range throughout the soil profile.

As a generalization, Centibar Readings in the 0-10 range mean the soil is pretty well saturated while the 30-60 range indicates that they could use some moisture.

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