Friday, July 2, 2010

Crop/Weather report for week of June 27

Crops-County-wide crop progress continues to move along well. Much of the spring wheat crop is at or approaching the boot stage and looks to be doing very well. I have received a few calls about forage barley and when to cut it for a hay crop. The short answer is to cut at the early dough stage. Waiting until after will increase protein some but will cause a decrease in tonnage. A good portion of the hay crop got cut and most of it baled prior to the recent round of showers and storms. However, there is still some hay down and hay that needs to be cut that may have to stay in the field until the weather system has moved through.

Weather-The beginning of the week we saw conditions perfect for hay production and accumulation of heat units for our growing crops. The end of the week has brought storms and wind but it looks like we are almost finished with this batch. Currently the prediction is for warmer/drier weather to finish this week and for this to continue into next week.

Pests-Still not much to report on the pest front. With that being said, I would encourage scouting of your wheat fields for scab. Especially in areas where it has been found in previous years.

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